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EMAC 2020 Annual Conference

Experiences with auxiliary services during a student’s customer journey

Published: May 27, 2020


Patrick De Pelsmacker, University of Antwerpen; Liesbet Bonnarens, University of Antwerp; Ingrid Moons, University of Antwerp; Annouk Lievens, University of Antwerp - Faculty of Business and Economics; Koenraad Keignaert, University of Antwerp


Higher education; auxiliary services; student journey


Student auxiliary services (catering, housing,…) are an under-researched part of a university’s activities, while they are an important aspect of the overall student experience. We develop and empirically test a comprehensive conceptual framework and use a mixed-method qualitative and quantitative approach to assess student experiences throughout their customer journey with auxiliary services at a university. The full scope of student services such as catering, housing, social & psychological services and social, sportive and cultural student activities are captured in this study, which allows an integrated perspective on students’ experience. We combine frameworks such as the customer journey and service quality dimensions, and use satisfaction and advocacy measures to explore the drivers of the value creation of auxiliary services. The framework is tested in the context of the University of Antwerp, a mid-size university in Belgium.